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Students from Secondary School "Stoyan Zaimov" - Pleven with a prestigious award in the National Lan

Updated: May 4, 2022

The national competition in foreign languages, speech and communication skills for students from VII to XII grade this year was held in the period 15-17.04.2022. in the hotel complex "Ismena" - Devin.

A team of six students from Secondary School "Stoyan Zaimov" took part in the National Competition - the only representatives from the city of Pleven in this spectacular event. The challenge to be the leader of this amazing team was accepted by Mrs. Nina Nakova - senior teacher of English and German. The seventh grades were presented by Daniel Vassilev and Nikola Georgiev, the tenth by Polina Dincheva, and for the eleventh grade competed Blagovesta Ruikova, Alexander Budurov, and Miss Pleven for 2022 - Elizabeth Petkova.

With its first participation in the National Competition "I can - here and now", the team of Secondary School "Stoyan Zaimov" - Pleven has a winner in the Top 20, category 9/10 class. Fifth place deservedly won Polina Dincheva, with a teacher Mrs. Iskra Nedkova. In fact, the winners are all participants who competed in the competition, because it gives them experience, self-confidence, confidence in their own strength, motivation to become even better, as well as new acquaintances and friends.

The initiative, organized by the team of "I can - here and now", is held for the sixth time in a row, and this year the event included about 520 participants - students, leaders, parents.

The American University in Bulgaria has taken the responsibility to check, evaluate and rank over 400 essays up to 220 words. In addition, it provided and evaluated tests in three age categories - 7/8 grade, 9/10 grade and 11/12 grade.

After a long alternation of online and face-to-face training, the participants happily shared the impressive opening of the event, where they felt the spirit of the Rhodope Mountains through the art of masters - bagpipers, singers and dance groups from Devin. On the second day of the competition, between the two components - test and speaking, mentors and participants participated in an improvised program, which was currently being formed. In addition to a high level of English, students showed many other talents - to dance, sing or perform acrobatic exercises.

It's hard to describe such an unforgettable shared emotion for over 520 people, so much life and positive energy - something that students have definitely been missing lately.

The participants from the team of Secondary School "Stoyan Zaimov" and their leader Mrs. Nakova cordially thank the management of the school in the person of its director Mrs. Anni Petkova for the opportunity to take part in the competition. And last but not least, the mentors and the team of "I can - here and now" for the impeccable organization and professionalism.



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