Not just a choice, but the right decision!

Admission I class
- Bulgarian language and literature, English language, Mathematics, Choreography, Fine arts
To download:
1. Application form (download from here )
2. Declaration - consent to the processing of personal data (download from here )
3. Criteria for students in the first grade of municipal schools (download from here )
4. Instructions for submitting documents in an electronic environment (download from here )
5. Order for approval of the school admission plan (download from here )
6. Rules of the Municipality of Pleven for admission to first grade - 2022/2023 (download from here )
7. Adjacent area of Sofia University "Stoyan Zaimov" - Pleven (download from here )
8. Schedule of activities for admission of students in the first grade for the academic year 2022/2023
LIST of admitted students I class of FIRST ranking for the academic year 2022/2023
LIST of admitted students I class of SECOND ranking for the academic year 2022/2023
Submit documents online
1. Submission of * application form: from 24 January to 27 May 2022. The application can be downloaded here
2. Announcement of results with the admitted students of the first ranking: June 3, 2022 (on the school website)
3. Enrollment of students admitted to the first ranking: from June 6 to June 10, 2022 (incl.)
4. Announcement of vacancies after the first ranking: June 14, 2022 (on the school website)
5. Announcement of results with the admitted students of the second ranking: June 17, 2022 (on the school website)
6. Enrollment of students admitted to the second ranking: from June 20 to June 24, 2022 (incl.)
7. Announcement of vacancies after the second ranking: June 28, 2022 (on the school website)
8. Enrollment of students in vacant places in schools: from June 29 to July 1, 2022 (incl.)
* Applications are accepted every weekday from 08:00 to 17:00, except for the period from January 31 to February 6 (interim vacation and from April 1 to April 10, 2022 (spring break for students from I - XI class) ).
Students are enrolled with application , enclosing in original the following documents:
1. Birth certificate of the student - to verify the student's data on the spot;
2. Identity card of a parent or a person representing the student on the basis of a document certifying his quality as a guardian, trustee - for verification on the spot;
3. Certificate for completed preparatory group;
Note : In case the admitted students in the first grade have not received a certificate for completed preparatory group as of the date of submission of the application, they will submit the document no later than June 15. If the certificate is not presented within the specified period, the application for enrollment of the student in the school cannot be considered, respectively the student is not enrolled in the school.
4. Originals of the documents you attach to the application - for on-site verification.
- Highly qualified teaching staff in general education subjects
- A team of specialists - speech therapist, psychologist and resource teacher
- Learning in an electronic environment in a secure platform "Google Workspace"
- Personal accounts for each student
- Use of virtual and augmented reality
- Work with electronic platform "MozaBook"
- Outdoor fitness
- Outdoor lessons
- All-day training regime for students from I to IV grade
- Organized meals for students from I to IV grade
- Foreign language training
- Computer training
- Participation in projects
- Organizing spring and summer camps
- Early prevention of speech disorders
- Access control with individual cards and thermal displays
- Constant video surveillance of the building and the school yard
- Many years of experience combined with modern thinking and innovative practices