Not just a choice, but the right decision!


Alexander Assenov
Teacher of informatics and IT in junior high school

Alexander Tachev
Teacher of the philosophical cycle in high school

Anita Todorova
Senior music teacher in junior high school

Bogdan Sabev
FVS teacher in junior high school

Senior teacher of English at the primary stage

Senior teacher at the initial stage

Senior BEL teacher in high school

Senior teacher of Geography and Economics in junior high school

Violeta Yordanova
Senior teacher of History and Civilizations in high school

Galya Parusheva
Senior BEL teacher in the junior high school stage

Georgi Melnikliiski
Senior teacher of Mathematics in junior high school

Gergana Petkova
School psychologist

Гергана Талева
Старши учител по Английски език в прогимназиален етап

Daniela Vladova
Senior CDO teacher at the initial stage

Evgeny Goranov
Senior BEL teacher in the junior high school stage

Diana Popova
Senior teacher at the initial stage

Здравка Мандалева
Ресурсен учител

Zorka Nencheva
Senior teacher of Physics in high school

Irena Kotseva
Senior teacher at the initial stage

Iskra Nedkova
Senior teacher of English in junior high school

Йонка Декова
Старши учител в начален етап

Katya Ivanova
Senior teacher at the initial stage

Katya Goranova-Penkova
Senior teacher at the initial stage

Yonka Dekova
Senior teacher at the initial stage

Katya Trifonova
Senior teacher of Biology and High School in high school

Krassimira Vasileva
Senior CDO teacher at the initial stage

Krassimira Gospodinova
Senior teacher of Mathematics in high school
Krassimira Veleva
Senior teacher at the initial stage
Lydia Dankova
Senior CDO teacher at the initial stage

Lydia Konova
Senior CDO teacher at the initial stage

Lyudmila Yordanova
Senior teacher at the initial stage

Маргрета Банова
Старши учител по ФВС в прогимназиален етап
Margreta Banova
Senior teacher of FVS in junior high school
Marina Todorova
Senior CDO teacher at the initial stage
Марина Трифонова
Старши учител ЦДО в начален етап
Miroslava Bencheva
Senior BEL teacher in the junior high school stage

Monica Yaneva
Senior CDO teacher at the initial stage

Natalia Dangurova
Senior teacher at the initial stage

Nikolai Iliev
Senior CDO teacher at the initial stage

Nina Nakova
Senior teacher of AE, NOT in junior high school

Nina Tsenkulovska
Senior teacher of English in junior high school
Pavlina Danailova
Senior teacher at the initial stage
Penka Dimova
Senior English teacher in high school

Fields Popmincheva
Senior teacher of PE in the junior high school stage

Radoslava Lishovska
Senior CDO teacher at the initial stage
Radostina Nikolova
Senior teacher of AI in the junior high school stage

Reni Zehirova
Senior teacher of FVS in high school

Silvia Bogdanova
Senior CDO teacher at the initial stage

Silvia Prodanova
Senior teacher of Mathematics and Informatics in junior high school
Силвия Спирдонова
Старши учител по Математика в прогимназиален етап

Stoyan Vladov
Senior teacher CDO in junior high school

Tanya Lyubenova
Senior teacher of Mathematics and Informatics in junior high school
Tatiana Lilova
Senior teacher at the initial stage

Hydrangea Morozova
Senior teacher of Chemistry and General Education in high school

Tsvetan Vutov
Senior teacher of FVS in junior high school

Tsvetelina Hristova-Marinova
Senior teacher of BEL and Russian in junior high school
Tsvetelina Kalcheva
Head of Information and Communication Technologies Division

Tsvetomira Kurtashka
Speech therapist