Not just a choice, but the right decision!


the first in the city high school choir, winners of V, VI and VII Republican festivals of amateur art.
In 1989, Sofia University "Stoyan Zaimov" for the first time in the city of Pleven, with the permission of the Ministry of Education and Science, admits students after 7th grade with a profile in "Biology". Later, such classes with a profile "Physics" and "Mathematics" were formed. Since 1991 In the first year, classes with extended study of fine arts and music were opened, and since 2000 - choreography. Since 1993, specialized training has been carried out after 8th grade in the disciplines of the humanities cycle / literature, history, geography, biology /. Cabinets in biology, physics, chemistry, geography, history, Bulgarian language and literature, music and fine arts have been set up to carry out modern training in these disciplines.
Sofia University "Stoyan Zaimov" - Pleven was founded as the first three-grade school in the municipality in the school year 1976/77. It began training a total of 1330 students in 33 classes and 160 children in four groups of PDG. The school is managed by Dimitar Ivanov. 33 teachers have been appointed. On May 23, 1978, the grand opening of the school took place, which was attended by Ana Zaimova, wife of General Vladimir Zaimov. The young school gradually created its own traditions. A school brass band, an ensemble for folk songs and dances was formed, and

In the 2001/2002 school year, the profiles "Choreography" in primary and secondary school, "Informatics" with admission after 7th grade, and "Information Technology" after 8th grade were opened. "Information technology". A condition for this are the equipped computer rooms in the school. In this way, students gain even greater choices, and the school meets the modern requirements for computerization and foreign language learning. An indicator of a successful learning process are the participations and prizes of students from the profiled classes in the national round of the Biology Olympiads in the last school years.
The educational process is carried out by 69 qualified teachers.

Today the school has 760 students in 34 classes. Our school has a Renaissance spirit and enthusiasm. It is an example of how in a dynamic and contradictory social situation, accompanied by crisis phenomena and renewal processes, a team is working hard to create the most favorable conditions for modern education and upbringing.

STOYAN ZAIMOV (1853-1932)
The famous Bulgarian Revivalist and revolutionary Stoyan Zaimov was born on August 12, 1853. in Chirpan. He joined the national liberation struggle of the Bulgarian people as a student in Stara Zagora. In 1870 He completed a one-year pedagogical course in Plovdiv, and the following year he was a teacher in Haskovo. In connection with the unsuccessful "assassination attempt on the Greek man", Hadji Stavri was sentenced to exile in Diyarbakir, from where he escaped in 1874. and settles in Romania. Stoyan Zaimov is one of the founders of the Giurgiu Revolutionary Committee. He was appointed apostle of the III Vratsa Revolutionary District, with assistants Nikola Obretenov, Georgi Apostolov and Nikola Slavkov. He introduced a specific organization and developed a plan of action for the rebel army. His merits as the leader of the uprising in the Vratsa region are evidenced by the one-of-a-kind "Law for All Rebels" preserved in our country. When Botev's detachment crossed the Danube,
a large Turkish army prevented the Vratsa revolutionaries from joining it and marching according to the preliminary plan to Veslets. Stoyan Zaimov was arrested and sentenced to death by a Turkish extraordinary court in Ruse. Due to the intervention of the progressive public, the death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in the fortress of Saint Jean d'Acre (Asia Minor). He awaited the liberation of his homeland and was released under the San Stefano Peace Treaty.
From 1879 to 1891. Stoyan Zaimov studies at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Here he connected his life with Claudia Polikarpovna Korsak. After his return to Bulgaria he taught in Varna, Silistra, Shumen, Ruse, Kyustendil, Sofia and zealously promoted progressive Russian culture. The most significant work in the life of Stoyan Zaimov after the Liberation was the creation of military history museums and monuments of gratitude - Monument to the Liberators in Sofia, the mausoleum in Pleven, museum houses in Pleven, Byala, Pordim and Gorna Studena. As a writer-memoirist, he created works that provide abundant material for the study of our national liberation movement.
From 1908 to 1932. Zaimov is the director of the Military History Museums in Bulgaria. Until his last day, he devotedly served the people and remained faithful to Slavdom, freedom and progress.